
Supports gut and brain health
Relieve tiredness and fatigue, refreshing
Relieves vertigo, spinning, unsteadiness, dizziness, vomiting, light headed, light headache and abdominal pain, nauseousness
Relieve itchy/dry/sore throat/cough
Natural energy for brain
Non-habit forming, non-drowsy, no side effects
No added sugar or sweetener

LemonGlycerol: Out of Humility but Not Pride
On September 30, 2014, I was awakened around 3:15 am by a noise inside my left ear. I went to a different room to sleep, hoping to recover from this. When I got up in the morning, however, not only was the noise still there, but I also felt a dizzy, spinning sensation (vertigo) and nausea. I was incapacitated and could only lie on the sofa. If I moved, I would want to vomit. I managed to text my students that I would not be able to come to work that day. I hoped that the symptoms would disappear over time, but the vertigo did not get any better. I could not even tolerate the noises made by my wife’s sewing machine. In the afternoon, my older son returned from middle school and said I might just need some fresh air; however, I knew it was more serious than that. So I asked my wife to take me to see doctor. In the doctor’s office, he did a test by asking me to turn my head to the side as I laid on his examining room bench, and I vomited immediately. The doctor said that I had Meniere's Disease, and gave me some medicines including methylprednisolone 4mg, promethazine 25 mg, and meclizine 25mg. Only methylprednisolone helped; however, it was not suitable for long-term use.
On October 6, 2014, a sister in my church emailed me the prayer verses, and these verses described my feelings at that time and gave me encouragement: "They loathed all food and drew near the gates of death. Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress (Psalm 107:18-19)." One morning, my wife prepared a drink for me using lemon, honey and Lycium fruit (#6820 Gou Qi Zi in our Herb Supplements - Single Herbs). When I took a sip, I could feel some relief in my head immediately. So I further looked into the ingredients and then began trying different herb combinations. As a doctoral-level toxicologist (and certified diplomate of American Board of Toxicology), I was careful to test every component and the doses. Finally, I came up with the formula LemonGlycerol. When the symptoms had gone, I stopped taking LemonGlycerol. Then on July 10, 2015, less than one year after my initial vertigo, I had another attack after I came back from a long vacation with lots of driving. I prepared additional LemonGlycerol, drank about 50 ml, and my symptoms diminished to the point that I was able to return to work that same afternoon. Now, I am taking LemonGlycerol (small dose) for prevention every day. It increases my energy as well.
LemonGlycerol contains only dietary ingredients, which are already present in our food supply. When I last had vertigo, I took 100 ml of LemonGlycerol per day, less than 35 ml per serving, and no more than 3 times a day with at least 6 hours apart. For prevention, I now take 3 sips (less than 15 ml in total) when feeling tired, nauseous, dizzy, or having a dry/itchy throat or light headache. I found this product has other beneficial effects, e.g., relieving sore throat and dry cough. It also help recover from tiredness after working on the computer for a long period. My children now ask for LemonGlycerol when they have sore throats or stomach pain. In addition to myself, it has also shown effectiveness for other people. For example, a brother in our church had vertigo because of an inner ear infection. He was dizzy to the point that he was afraid to move his head, so I gave him some LemonGlycerol, and he felt better in only a few minutes. I also gave some to my department head, who is an anatomy professor. His immediate words were “The lemon is very strong. When I consume tart things like this, I can feel tingling in the soft spot behind my ear. This is the exit point for cranial nerve VII, which is what I feel tingling and may explain part of why your product works.” I attribute the benefits to God: “Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind (Psalm 107:31).” The price charged for this remedy is to cover the manufacturing costs, and share the benefit God showed me, rather than try to make profit.